2005 Garden Photos

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Garden Photos

Michael & Sammy getting started.

One of our very favorite neighbors, Ed Tlumac, rototills the garden for us.

We use mulch hay and newspaper to keep the weeds down.

We grow sunflowers for our cockatiels, but the Blue Jays eat most of them.

We grow corn. We like Merit. It isn't heirloom, but it is really good.

It grew to 8 feet tall.

This was our best crop yet!

We grew mostly heirloom tomatoes this year that we started from seed.

We grew Garden Peach, Abraham Lincoln, Amish Paste, Orange Strawberry and Tom Cat tomatoes.

We planted 140 plants. Even the chickens got tired of tomatoes.

We grew 40 green pepper plants from seed.

Our basil did great.

We mulched with hay and didn't have any problem with lack of rain.

Another view.



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